We shall be sharing some excerpts from my book, “The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” in our next few blog posts. Do enjoy these snippets from my midlife musings, and give some time to reflect on your journey as well. We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
“Being the eldest child has its perks in having the attention of the lolas and lolos, and of course, the many doting titas… But I did not grow up spoiled. I was the eldest and conditioned to be responsible. I can remember being asked to be fully responsible for the things at home as early as third grade. Seeing my daughter now in Grade 3 and super playful, I cannot imagine her being my Grade 3 self.”
“Oh, I mumbled and grumbled many times then. I just wanted to be lazy, play, tinker and craft, call my friends in the landline, watch TV. Don’t get me wrong, they meant well. Realizing it now, I got that training because that was what they know good parents do — train their kids well. Help was needed for the house and for the small business. Bawal mag–emote. Bawal mag–decline.”
Every so often, don’t you wish you could have a do-over, a second chance, or another opportunity to get things right?
We all have those moments.
I wish I had studied better in class, so then I would have earned better grades, and maybe snagged a scholarship which would have helped me in my professional life.
I wish I had spent more time with my children, so then maybe I would not have been having these problems with them and maybe we would all be happier.
I wish I had not had that second helping of spaghetti, so then maybe I would not be feeling sick to the stomach and enjoying my date with my husband.
Regrets, we all have plenty of those, but here’s the truth: Had I not been brought up to be responsible by my parents, then I would not have had the life I am enjoying today. I would not have the patience to teach. I would not have the perseverance to finish my PhD. I would not have the commitment to work through the everyday issues of family life.
So you see, it’s all a matter of perspective. You can choose to focus on the what-ifs, or you can thank your lucky stars that you are you and you are where you are right now, alive by the grace of God!
“The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” is available at https://shop.kerygmabooks.com/.