Do you find your head filled with noisy thoughts that you cannot hear yourself?
Are there instances when you are afraid to do something because you are anxious about things that have not happened yet, and you overthink of the might-have-beens?
Our sense of peace inside and out can be disrupted in many ways. If we lack awareness and intent in our lives, we can just let peace pass by us. How do you tell those thoughts and opinions to be quiet if you do not know how to stop them from talking inside your head? If you do not know how to find silence within, there might be too many “what-ifs” and “should-haves” that prevent you from pursuing bigger and better things in life. You may find yourself in a web of issues and relationship conflicts that you are not actually part of.
Just like love, peace is priceless. If you do not know how to make peace with yourself, it will be hard to be a peacemaker to the people around you. How then do you carry peace, and help others have peace? Start with making peace with the person inside you. How can you start being a peacemaker inside and out? Simple, sing the A-B-C!
Acceptance. The reason you carry many thoughts is because you do not accept yourself. Your standards are off tangent, haywire, and so far-fetched that make you so in tune with the outside. If you accept that you are favored by God, despite your faults, then you can be at peace with yourself. If you see that there is a message behind the messes in your life, then peace is possible amidst the messiness.
Being. As young as you are, do not let busyness and stress get you. Once in a while, honor just being, and take care of your “being.” You cannot go on wishing to be in another place, do something else, or be someone else. When things fall and life happens, peace can come if you just allow it to “be.” If you tune in to the present moment, and enjoy being in the here and now, it is actually being at peace with yourself and with life. It is so easy to be happier if you learn this path.
Clarity. You have to be clear inside. You need to have clarity of mind and heart in order to hear God’s reply to your prayers or discern His direction in your life. Clear out the web of thoughts inside you and the throngs of emotions overwhelming you. You will see that some things are not needed. The more unnecessary thoughts and emotions are within you, the farther you are from attaining peace. The clearer you are inside you, the more it will be easy to be a peace carrier to others.
Be at peace-do the A-B-C!
This first appeared in Fish Volume 15, but has since been updated.