February 1

Start Slow

How was the start of your 2021? What has it been like for you? As odd as this may sound, I invite you to start slow. Some of life’s best moments lie in the slow unfolding of things, basking in the present, allowing us to simply just be.

What comes to mind when you hear the word slow? Some will probably link it to being relaxed, taking time, and savoring the moment. I love how these words are intertwined with slow. If you take the time to think things over, there is no reason for us to rush life. We’re still in the middle of the pandemic! Growth and nourishment can happen without rushing.

There is nothing wrong with starting slow. We were simply conditioned to do everything fast. We need to correct the wrong notion of linking the word “slow” to lack of motivation or being lethargic.

Starting slow can benefit us this year.


It lets us savor the moment. It allows us to take notice of the sights and sounds of our everyday lives. We don’t take anything for granted when we start slow. We see the small things. We spend more time being thankful for our experiences.


Recall the times when you got sick. Aren’t those the times when you were rushing to work or trying your best to attend to all your responsibilities? The same goes for all the times you forgot about important engagements.

When we rush and move fast, we tend to miss out on the details, sometimes even the most crucial ones. Another pitfall is that we become quick to dismiss the pain in our bodies and hope instead that these will go away on its own.

Slowing down is one of the best ways to gain clarity of the mind. This explains why you get many of your eureka moments when you’re in the shower or while you’re taking care of yourself. The shift from the hustle and bustle of life to the serenity of alone time makes it possible for you to produce ideas that are not forced, rushed, or pressured. Ultimately, moving slowly allows you to see the Lord clearer, and move in His time and pace instead of your own.


It allows us to choose what is important. It allows us to see what matters to us. When you move slowly, you become more capable of putting off the things that don’t need your time and attention at the present moment. Slowing down allows you to filter out priorities when it comes to where to spend precious energy. It also helps you in filtering out relationships and understand which ones are fostering and which ones beg distance or letting go of altogether.

Simply put, starting slow allows you to become more intentional and deliberate with your choices. You don’t make decisions in haste so you’re also less likely to fill your schedule and everyday life with clutter. 


Harmony invites us to have a sense of acceptance of what we have right now. This also allows us to become more mindful. We can tune into our senses and ourselves. When we are self-aware, we can recognize our cues. We find it easier to pause and work through the issues as they arise. We will avoid becoming like ticking time bombs ready to go off and be burnt out by March. Conserve your energy so you will arrive at the end of the year with your sanity intact. Do not drive yourself to the point of depletion by wishing to do everything in a fast-paced manner.

Friends, 2021 is a brand new year. Take it easy. As Tony Robbins said, “the race of life is a marathon, not a sprint.” This year, what aspect of your life do you think you should slow down on? What is starting slow for you? What are concrete ways on how you can pull the breaks and make sure you’re moving slowly and more deliberately? Think about the benefits that moving slowly can give you in the long run. Who knows, starting slow may allow you to shower on new blessings that you have not accessed at all in the past. Let’s make 2021 slow and beautiful. – WITH PAU DE VERA  


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