September 11

On the Brink of Burnout?

Though we are all at home, we are not free from the perils of burnout. In fact, it is an impending reality for a lot of us, especially parents who are more vulnerable to “parenting burnout.” Burnout does not only stem from work. It can also come from the home and our relationships. It, too, can be from a multitude of other factors.

We often try to be everything at the same time. We have to keep in mind that our best practices in the past may not be necessarily applicable to the present, especially in this time of quarantine. What are some tell-tale signs that we are experiencing burnout?

EXHAUSTION: This is feeling as if we are dragging ourselves in our tasks because they feel so burdensome though they were once enjoyable to us.

OVERWHELMED: This is a feeling brought about by the difficulty in adjusting to the quarantine routine. This can be made worse when we can finally step outside and realize that the “new normal” imposes new routines which require further adjustments. The constant state of having to adjust is confusing and overwhelming.

PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION: This is feeling absolutely depleted even though you’re only at home, a place where you are supposedly relaxed. This is also feeling so low that you find yourself wanting to cry. When you are physically and emotionally tired, your feelings of exhaustion are oftentimes difficult to decode and understand which is why you need to take yourself out of the situation to get some breathing space. This will allow you to see things from a bigger perspective.

These tell-tale signs of burnout aren’t all new. These have existed pre-quarantine, back when we were all still in our traditional workplaces. What matters now is being able to recognize these emotions so we can be proactive about our next steps. We have to be wary because burnout can also hurt our relationships. It can make us more distant from our loved ones without realizing it. It can also make us feel ineffective in our roles at home and less productive than we wish.

It’s okay.

Do not be pressured if you see other people productive. We are all wired differently. Some of us find it easy to adjust to situations whereas others find it more challenging. Whichever you are, it’s okay and it is normal. Just recognize when you are on the brink of burnout so you are able to remove yourself from the situation, apply the principles of emotional distancing, and become more proactive when it comes to your health, well-being, and self-preservation.

Remember that burnout can make a person cluttered and impedes normal functioning. This is something I know too well because I have experienced it myself. Sometimes the best thing to do is take a pause from everything and choose to do nothing to heal and recuperate. Even though I am a psychologist, I am not immune to burnout. Even people from the helping profession are not excused from burnout. We are all vulnerable to it so it is crucial for us to be able to watch after ourselves so we can be proactive about our health. – WITH PAU DE VERA


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