October 30

Letting Go

When you hear the words “let go,” what comes to mind? Some people see as it as severing ties. But in reality, letting go creates space and facilitates peace. Since we’re living in an unpredictable time, looking at the fact that there are many things beyond our control is essential. When we begin to respect things as they are, our perspective regains clarity, creating space for acceptance.

Letting go is often applicable to relationships but it is also linked to other things like habits, circumstances, and beliefs. Letting go is often seen in the negative light as it brings about the discomfort of moving forward from things that we have gotten used to. While there is no issue in clinging to the familiar, make it a habit to reflect if the things that you keep so close to you are healthy.

Here are 4 D’s to help you move on from things that no longer serve you:

 Letting go is a DECISION: I don’t know what your current struggles are or where you presently are in life but we are all called to be mature when it comes to making up our mind. If the decisions turn out to bring more pain than peace, choose to be accountable. This is how life is, we cannot always control outcomes, but be open to every learning that comes your way.

 Letting go requires DISCIPLINE: This is deliberate practice, one that you need to choose every day. If you’ve recently broken up with your significant other, fight the urge to stalk his profile. It will simply make the process of letting go harder than it should be. Discipline challenges us to lower our feelings of pride. It is a humbling experience that pushes us to look into ourselves. It teaches us how to detach from things that no longer spark joy.  

 Letting go pushes us to DISCLOSE our inner selves: Often, we link our identities to people, our roles, and beliefs. This is difficult because, in the process of self-reflection, we are confronted with our limitations and weaknesses. Whatever it is that we find within us, we should be able to honestly embrace because these are still parts of who we are. If we fail to embrace the ugly, we’ll never foster the strength to change for the better. 

Letting go is ditching perfection. Sometimes the process has glitches but strive to be kind to yourself. It is far better to be progressing than to be perfect. The only thing that you should be perfecting these days is the art of acceptance. In reality, people and situations will never be perfect. In ditching perfection, we also ditch wanting to control other people because changing them to become a certain way is wrong and unhealthy. They are their own person.

 Letting go pushes us to DRAW the line between our identity and other people’s identity: When our children accomplish something worthy of pride and celebration, know that this feat belongs to them. It is their work, their effort, and accomplishment. Don’t merge who you are with your relationships, your roles, or the things outside of you. If the time comes that you need to let these things go, you might also lose bits and pieces of yourself in the process. This is why when you love, it is so important to be whole. Don’t give your everything, rather, give only what you can.

Letting go is not a negative experience, it is one that brings about positive change. This is oftentimes synonymous with relief because it welcomes peace and possibility. Perhaps the only thing that is holding you back from letting go is your irrational thinking, so look into yourself. Do a self-check. Do your part. After that, let go and let God. – WITH PAU DE VERA

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


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