We shall be sharing some excerpts from my book, “The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” in our next few blog posts. Do enjoy these snippets from my midlife musings, and give some time to reflect on your journey as well. We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
“What is the real deal in midlife? The big deal in this stage is re-evaluating and aligning our identity with our self-worth. In midlife, you get to repeat some of your teenage issues but in a more mature adult level. “Who I am?” “Where is my place in this world?” We also need to ask: “What have I done for myself and others?”
In midlife, bumabalik ang magic questions. Take two na kaya galingan sa recitation! The Lord, who made me, is checking: “Anak, who are you? Where is your place in this world? What have you done for me?”
So yes, it’s round two. How would you approach these questions? How would you answer them?
Perhaps this is why midlife is such a scary phase for many of us: We don’t actually want to face the real truth about ourselves.
It’s challenging to be an adult at this day and age. Making ends meet, flitting from one errand to the next, going after a to-do list that doesn’t seem to end — it is exhausting!
And yet, this busyness can be a reprieve. Because it takes too much of our time, it prevents us from looking at ourselves, reflecting on our lives, and seeing how we have affected others.
Is it any wonder then that we find ourselves in a crisis when we suddenly bump into the mirror and realize how much time we have wasted in the pursuit of superficial goals, and not giving enough effort on the things that really matter.
It’s not too late. It is almost always never too late.
Now take a look at yourself in the mirror, make a survey of all your wonderful imperfections, and move on from there! Good luck!
“The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” is available at https://shop.kerygmabooks.com/.