A relationship is a gift to complement who you are, and celebrate the individuality that you and your partner bring together for God’s glory to be used for a greater purpose.
Here are some lines that will let you see the two thoughts being used interchangeably, but are really different in nature if we use in the context of relationships:
Motives and desires
Having special someone can fill in my needs
Having a boyfriend can bring out the best in me as a person…
Just decide for me on whatever you like…
Here’s what I like, what about yours? Let’s decide from there.
You made me feel so good!
I feel good, knowing I am loved and appreciated.
You’re making me so terrible! This would not happen if not for you!
I feel bad with what happened because… Can we discuss this later?
Completing while waiting
If you realized that your worth is dependent on having a partner, take conscious steps to be complete within yourself. If the right person comes, then you have gained the sense of being a person. If the Lord has other plans, you can celebrate at the assurance that you are complete in yourself and you have completed the journey of finding yourself.
#1 Know your self. Embrace your sense of being. Get in touch with both your strengths and weakness as a person. This is the time for you to know your core gifts and pursue your life calling.
#2 Be with the right people. Spend time with friends. However, be on guard if they are healthy ones or those always pointing out that you still do not have a better half. Be with people who uplift you and help you in the process. A community for singles does wonders to fill this, but you need to have a network apart from them.
#3 Complete yourself with God. This is the best time to nourish your love affair with your Maker. This will make you attuned with purpose for you.
#4 Search actively. A relationship will not land on your lap the way they do in the movies. You need to open yourself to the traits important for you and then observe and look for possible candidates. Be good friends with the opposite gender, as the person you might be looking for is just in your prayer group.