Some things about your relationship with your parents can be challenging. There are some issues which are simply beyond your control.
Whatever your parents have done, whether petty or grave, forgive them. The healing will not come automatically, but take comfort in the fact that you have set yourself on the right path. Putting off the issues you have with them will one day resurface. Shrugging off the hurt will not make them go away; they are like benign cysts which might just turn malignant one day. You may have hurt each other in the process. They may not be the best parents they are to you. But you can heal.
As you grow older, you cannot blame your parents for who you have become. You have to actively make yourself a better, not bitter, person, despite your parental relationships and family imperfections. Rather than blaming your parents and harboring hurt, forgive them and start the process of healing. It may take time but being actively in that path will make the big difference.
In the process of accepting and loving your parents and your family tree, circumstances and events will help you come to terms with who and how your parents are to you. As you grow, you will come across experiences which will help you to heal and improve your relationship with them. Unfortunately, this does not happen in a jiffy. But always keep an open mind and heart. Things may not always turn out the way you want or hope them to be, things happen for a reason.
While trusting the process, pick up the lessons – the good ones, of course. Transform the issues from being bitter to better, and then move on to become the best version of yourself. Trust in the Lord. What you cannot understand now will make sense later.
Acceptance is a stepping stone in building a better relationship with your parents and family.