We shall be sharing some excerpts from my upcoming book, “The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” in our next few blog posts. Do enjoy these snippets from my midlife musings, and give some time to reflect on your journey as well. We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
“Check your social media news feed: midlifer’s constant selfies, oversharing about happenings, new designer bags and watches, new car, career shifts, marriage failures or renewals, travels and adventures. There is nothing wrong with all these, but many of those turning 40 are establishing themselves and longing to make a mark. If we look at ourselves deeply and scrutinize our innermost self, we might find our very core asking for attention to be whole and fully answer midlife’s magic questions.”
We all have different personas. The person you are with your family may be different from the person you are with your friends. The person you are with your colleagues may be different from the person you are with your classmates. It’s not that you are different for different groups of people, it’s that you choose to only reveal parts of you at any given time. But deep inside, you are still that you whom you know and love.
Conflict happens when you change yourself according to the people you’re with. When you change yourself according to what they like, and not what you’re like. Does that make sense?
It is only when you are authentic to you that you will be truly comfortable with yourself, whether you choose to reveal all or just parts of you to other people.
P.S. “The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of Midlife” is available at a special pre-order price at https://shop.kerygmabooks.com/. It’s a good treat for Mother’s Day!