April 17

Ask “Ms. A”


As I celebrate milestones, parenting, marriage, well-being and finding meaning in my life purpose, let me share with you a spot in space where my musings will find meaning. This is my way of thanking you, friends, for being following my itsy busy life.   Let me share some thoughts, piece of knowledge or practical how-to’s in line with my expertise. Someone said before that it seems that I need to know reasons and find meaning in life’s events. Maybe yes!  And I have this draw to be the one being asked.  Better put these to good purpose by putting Ask ‘Ms. A’ (that’s what some of my college students call me!).

ASK ‘MS. A’ is a teeny part of this site where I will try my might best to answer your love and relationship questions.  I will choose 2-3 questions each month that I will feature.

This nook also features the articles I have written for Kerygma Magazine, “Dear K” columns wherein real life issues are responded by Kerygma counselors.

Each part is connected, integrated to a beautiful master plan that God is working with us! We need to connect and mindfully weave our past and present to fulfill a great future!  May we all find he time to muse and purposefully find meaning in both the ups & downs of life! Come and celebrate with me, as we “find meaning in life’s musings!”

Got heart-throbbing questions who want answered? Ask Ms. A!



counselor, family, marriage, meaningfulmusing, michelealignay, parenting, psychologist

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